Thursday, November 29, 2018

Spanish Songs

Please click on this link to listen to some of our vocabulary songs in Spanish.

Enjoy!!!  I will have more songs along the way.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

¡ Hola Noviembre !

Hola Padres,

Please review the songs with your students. It helps to listen to the song and sing along with your child.  We sing a lot in our Spanish class.  I feel it is a great way to get kids excited along with learning and memorizing our Spanish vocabulary.

I am putting our songs together in an audio file, so we can all sing along together.

¡Hasta Pronto!

Señora Mitchell

Friday, August 24, 2018

¡Bienvenidos del verano 2018!

Hola amigos nuevos y no muy nuevos,

We are learning our summer vocabulary and sharing out with our friends. This year we are speaking in class 99% of the time in Spanish.  We are enjoying this experience and singing many new songs we have learned along the way.   Please ask your child to sing a few songs.  Research shows the earlier we are exposed to a second language, the more opportunity we will have to carry it on into our adults lives. Please ask your child to share with you what they are learning about in Spanish.  I am always happy to help if your child needs more review.

Hasta pronto amigos:)

Señora Mitchell :)

Monday, April 30, 2018


¡Hola amigos!

Hi friends welcome to the months of Abril and Mayo.  We are working hard to keep our brains thinking in Español.  We are trying to finish up our Spanish workbooks.  At the end of Mayo/May we will end up taking our Spanish workbooks home.  The books are a great resource to use while at home to keep our minds thinking in Spanish.  Please feel free to email me with any questions or if you are looking for ideas on how to keep your Spanish alive while on summer break:)

¡Gracias !

Monday, January 8, 2018

¡Bienvenidos amigos! Feliz 2018...

Hola y bienvenidos a un año nuevo.  I hope everyone had a great break and was able to practice some of their Spanish vocabulary.  Keep in mind that there are plenty of websites that you can use to help study.  Please check my messages from before to see what those fun websites are.

We were pretty excited to get back to learning more about Spanish speaking countries and what other Spanish countries do during the Holiday season. We discussed what popular food/comida dishes are made and shared with family.  Ask you child if they remember what Paella is and what country is known for this dish.

For the next two weeks we will be covering our material in our libros/books.  Please feel free to connect with me anytime.

Señora Mitchell :)

Spanish update

Hola amigos, Please enjoy listening to the story about winter. Click on the link below.