Tuesday, August 18, 2020

 Hola amigos and welcome back to an interesting year of virtual learning.  I will be having my lessons out weekly and seeing you all live once a week.  Hasta pronto:)

Señora Mitchell 

Friday, March 27, 2020

Hola amigos!!

Hola amigos y feliz Viernes.  If you have facebook please enjoy the video I posted on Mimundostl.  If you do NOT have facebook please enjoy using some of these words with your family today.

Casa: house
Escuela: school
Juegos: games
Lavar las manos: wash your hands

Hasta lunes:)
Señora Mitchell

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Hola amigos!

Hola amigos!!  Hoy es Jueves.  Today we are going to use the word "el gato" (el cat) with your family.

If you have you tube please listen to this cute story online called "El Gato con Ensombreado".  Listen to the story in Spanish.  It is a Dr. Seuss book. The cover is blue.

Have fun!

Hasta Viernes.

Señora Mitchell

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Hola amigos!!

Hola amigos,

Stay healthy everyone!!!  Please keep up on our "word of the day" or "phrase of the day"

Today's phrase is...... está lloviendo! (it's raining)

All you need to do is try to use it at least 3 times today when you are with your family.

Hasta pronto:)

Señora Mitchell

Monday, January 27, 2020


Spanish classes are moving along great!  We are learning many phrases and greetings.  Here are a few of the greetings we use in class.

¿Cómo Estás? How are you?
¿Cómo te llamas? What is your name?
¿Qué día es  hoy? What day is today?
¿Cómo te sientes? How are you feeling?
¿Cuándo es tú cumpleaños?  When is your birthday?

We cover many things like the months of the year , days of the week and greetings all in Spanish. Ask you child to try and sing some of our songs.

Hasta pronto:)
Señora Mitchell

Spanish update

Hola amigos, Please enjoy listening to the story about winter. Click on the link below. https://rockalingua.com/library/activities/...