Friday, November 17, 2017

Hola Amigos y hola Noviembre ....

Hola Amigos,

We are working hard in Spanish.  All of us are  having a blast singing about our colors, numbers, days of the week and our months of the year, all in Spanish.  We are also aware of how some of our friends are feeling.  Ask you child and see what they say?  ¿Como Estes? How are you? See what your child says.  Or, ask your kiddo what Me Gusta means. Or, what their favorite day of the week is.  Most should answer by saying Me gusta....domingo, lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves, viernes, sábado OR even reply with domingo.  The fun is endless.

All grades use workbooks, color and practice our vocabulary use everyday.  Workbooks come home at the end of the year.  Be aware of our sheets that come home periodically from week to week.  All grades use the Spanish language in class that is enriched with adjectives, verbs, nouns, colors, greetings and much more.  If you are ever interested in getting more activities sent home with your child, please let me know.  I am happy to send more Spanish work home.  When our students see that la madre or el padre are interested they will want to aprender más:) Lastly, please enjoy a fun website where your child may practice more of their vocabulary. There are two fun games on click on all games and search for Spanish bingo or Spanish word toss.  The fun is contagious.

¡Hasta pronto amigos!

Señora Mitchell :)

Spanish update

Hola amigos, Please enjoy listening to the story about winter. Click on the link below.